Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Stomach Pain Spotting How Does One Differentiate Between Stomach Pain From Taking Plan B And Stomach Pain From An Ectopic Pregnancy?

How does one differentiate between stomach pain from taking Plan B and stomach pain from an ectopic pregnancy? - stomach pain spotting

Abdominal pain is a typical side effect of taking Plan B, but also a small risk of ectopic pregnancy, which is a symptom of abdominal pain. As you can tell the difference? What are other symptoms that indicate an ectopic pregnancy, not just the typical side effects of Plan B? Thank you.


Amber said...

Plan B prevents pregnancy just days after a woman has sex. An ectopic pregnancy is also a normal pregnancy 7-10 days. An ectopic pregnancy is usually localized pain on one side and, by the middle of the abdomen to move. He is very affectionate and women have nausea and dizzyness May. I hope that helps.

Princess Cherbs said...

Severe pain ectopic beat. And fever.

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